Welcome to Sundays at Maxwell Church.
We gather every Sunday at 10:30am to worship God together, to be taught and encouraged together from The Bible, and to bless each other. If you want to know more about our church, Sundays are the best way to go about it!
The best way to experience church is to come along in person, however you can also watch online here(include link to “watch online” page).
When you arrive you’ll find people ready to welcome you and coffee and tea waiting inside, so please do help yourself! Our service begins at 10:30am And includes singing hymns and songs of praise, notices that tell people what’s going on in the life of the church, prayer led from the front and a Kid’s Talk. At about 11am the kids leave for their age-specific activities which you can find out more about below.
We then read from the Bible after which Nathan, our minister, or someone else from our leadership team preaches. This usually lasts around 30 minutes and is a key part of what happens when we gather. The teaching is biblical, expository, challenging and applicable to your life. After this we then close by singing again and a final prayer.
Afterwards the kids come back and join everyone else and coffee, tea and snacks are available. This time spent together over coffee has become a key partof the life of our church and is a great opportunity to speak together and pray together if needed.


At Maxwell Church we really care about kids and families – they are a big focus of our church community because we want our children to learn the Good News about Jesus.
Every Sunday there is a Kid’s Talk in the main service. We also run a creche for children 3 and under as well as a Sunday School for kids aged 4-11. We also have a Youth Group every second Friday for teenagers aged 12-18.
We believe it is important for children to learn about Jesus in a fun, loving, and safe environment. Therefore all our team members go through a safeguarding process in order to serve. This includes a PVG check, and child protection training.
Is car parking available?
Yes. Just opposite the church building is a Primary School with a car park – feel free to use this.
Is there a dress code?
No. When you come you’ll find people in jeans, shorts, t-shirts, shirts, suits and skirts. Please dress however you feel comfortable.
Will I have to take part?
Not at all. If you’d prefer to just sit and observe that’s absolutely fine – we’re just happy you’re here! Help yourself to a coffee and relax.
Is the building accessible?
We have a ramp leading into our side entrance, and our welcome team are here to help wherever needed. We also have an accessible toilet and baby changing facilities.
What is your age demographic?
Maxwell Church is made up of all ages. You’ll find people of every decade from baby to 100! We have some babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, families, singles and retired people. Whatever your age or stage in life, know you are most welcome.
Further Questions?
We’d love to hear from you! Whatever your question, we’d be happy to help.
Just email us on [email protected]