Events & Courses

Throughout the year Maxwell Church organises several key events and courses that you might find helpful

Christianity Explored

Twice a year we run a course called Christianity Explored which basically does what it says on the tin. During 7 weeks we examine the core beliefs of Christianity and ask the question: “what’s the best news you’ve ever heard?” If you’re interested in attending our next Christianity Explored course please do get in touch

Crossroads: A Support Group for people struggling with addictions

This is a Christian support group for those who are struggling with addictions. At the heart of every addiction is a spiritual problem, and we believe the Bible helps us to recognise the patterns of addiction, to choose wisdom over foolish desires, and to cling to the hope of Jesus Christ, who sets captives free. If you’d like to come along or would like to know more, get in touch here

Toddler Group

We’re looking forward to starting up this new ministry in September 2022… watch this space and check out our Facebook Page for more details.

Family Days & BBQs

Several Saturdays throughout the year we look forward to opening up the church grounds for a Family Day for everyone in the community! We usually have bouncy castles, BBQs, face-painting, ice cream and more…! It’s a great way to spend time with your family and to make new friends.

Follow us on Facebook and you’ll always know when the next one is coming up.

Holiday Club

Every Summer we host our Holiday Club for Primary  School aged kids! It’s very fun, very messy and very loud! Follow us on Facebook (link to facebook page)to be kept up to date.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact us – we’d be delighted to help!